The Waendel Walkers' Club

The Number 1 Club in the British Walking Federation

23rd January 2025 Committee Meeting

As mentioned elsewhere our committee meetings are now open to members and the next of these meetings in 2024 will take place at the Old Grammarians Headquarters on Thursday 23rd January 2025 at 20.00. Meetings usually finish by around 21.30 and should you wish to attend or submit topics for discussion please contact Peter by Monday 13th January. You will be very welcome.

Coach Trip News.

The third of our coach trips this year took us to the Peak District with the final destination being Bakewell and, goodness me, what a great job Brenda did in creating this one; amazing routes, views, climbs, decents and quite a challenge in places, thoroughly enjoyed by all, despite the rain giving us all a good soaking.

The London Trip! I'm sure we're all eagerly waiting for the next trip, which will be 8th December, to London and yet another amazing themed route, for both 10km and 20km distances. Will it be: canals, churches, cemetaries, markets, docks? Who knows, so keep a look out for the booking list at forthcoming Sunday events. This may well be the last time we visit London for the December event, as such we're considering other city locations. So, if you've got an idea of your own then we'll be happy hear about it.